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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am a Warrior Princess

May 6, 2020

Listen to this great book read aloud by me!

I Am a Warrior Princess by Jennifer Adams and illustrated by Carme Lemniscates.

 I Am a Warrior Princess

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen

May 5, 2020

Little Angel Theatre made I Want My Hat Back, by Jon Klassen into a puppet play. Here it is just in case you missed it on a previous blog post.

I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen 

Watch Ian Nicholson and Samuel Wilde’s puppet-filled adaptation of Jon Klassen’s beautiful picture book, This Is Not My Hat. This is done from their home, and it's just as fantastic as their last puppet play!

 Puppet Play

Summer Reading!!

May 5, 2020

We missed our annual visit from a wonderful public librarian but the Monroe County Public Library is still having a summer reading program.
Check the Monroe County Public Library's website for information about how to play this year's summer reading game - starting June 1.

There will be a game for Children, Teens, and Adults that encourages participants to read for fun, try different activities, earn points and prizes - and give back to our community, too!

Suggested Summer Reading Lists from the school librarians. Check them out! You might see something that looks like you might enjoy.

How to Read a Story

May 5, 2020

Today's read aloud is by Kate Messner. How to Read a Story gives a lot of tips for us to keep in mind.

 How to Read a Story

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Hug Machine

May 4, 2020

May the fourth be with you!!

The Hug Machine by Scott Campbell. This was such fun to read. Join in if you would like!

 The Hug Machine

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Poem in Your Pocket

April 30, 2020

Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! 

This is one of my favorite books to read on this day. Click the book cover to hear the read aloud.
 Poem In Your Pocket

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

April 29, 2020

Did you see that J. Paul Getty Museum created an online challenge to recreate a piece of art at home?

Here are a few examples:

Let's have our own challenge but with books and characters!
I challenge you to recreate a scene from your favorite book, or dress up and pose as your favorite character. It can be a picture book or a chapter book.

This is my friend, Ms. Hamilton, librarian extraordinaire, from Binford Elementary:

Take a picture and bring it to school in August. We will post the pictures on the bulletin board outside the library so we will be able to guess your book title or character. You may also email your picture to me, just one per student, please.